Bonds Information

PT SMI is committed to leverage the capital provided by the Government and increase the capacity of the National Infrastructure Financing. The Company continues to increase its leverage capacity primarily through the issuance of bonds and a portion of bank loans and continues to do fund raising to support infrastructure financing while maintaining a sustainable level of profitability. PT SMI has been actively issuing bonds since 2014, where the bonds issued received high demand and were oversubscribed for several times, from both domestic and foreign investors.

The stage II of Shelf Registration Bond I amounting IDR 7 trillion issued in 2017 is one of the biggest single issuance emission in Indonesia. In mid-2018, PT SMI issued the first corporate Green Bond in Indonesia amounting IDR 500 billion which are part of the Shelf Registration Green Bond with a total value of IDR 3 trillion. In the same year, PT SMI issued IDR 1 trillion worth of Sukuk for the first time which was part of the Shelf Registration Sukuk with a total value of IDR 3 trillion.

PT SMI will continue to participates in the development of the Capital Market in Indonesia. In 2019, PT SMI issued the largest amount of corporate bonds in 2019 with a total amount of IDR 11.9 trillion.


Provision of Funds for Social and Political Activities

PT SMI internal policy prohibits the involvement of employees or the company in political activities, including provision funds for political purposes. Until December 31, 2023, there was no funding for political activities. For social and environmental responsibility program, our budget realization in 2023 amounted to IDR 19.5 billion.


Conventional Bonds


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Sukuk Mudharabah

In addition to Conventional Bonds and Green Bonds, PT SMI has also issued Sukuk Mudharabah since 2018.

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Green Bonds

PT SMI strives to be a responsible business and is committed to being transparent about its investments. To do so, we have a Green Bond Framework that ensure... Read more

Global Bonds

In 2021, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) - PT SMI issued its inaugural global bond valued at USD 300 million as part of the USD 2 billio... Read more