Commercial Financing facility for private parties and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)

Financing facility provided for infrastructure development projects owned by private parties and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), with various flexible and unique financing products according to the needs and characteristics of the project. Commercial Financing was developed with a focus on encouraging the acceleration of sustainable development in various sectors implemented conventionally and based on sharia principles.

PT SMI’s commercial financing facility is provided in the form of:

  1. Loans and credit support for infrastructure financing projects.
  2. Equity investment, both directly or in the form of convertible loans into equity investment.


Why Commercial Financing?

Acting as a non-bank financial institution which complements other financial institutions, PT SMI's commercial financing facility have a number of advantages, including:

  • Innovative financing products
  • Flexible financing schemes
  • Long term tenor
  • Large Multiplier effect


Commercial Financing Products

PT SMI provides various flexible, unique, and innovative commercial financing product options, which debtors can choose according to their needs. These commercial financing products include:

  1. Senior Loan
  2. Junior Loan
  3. Mezzanine Loan
  4. Cash Deficiency Support
  5. Bridging Loan
  6. Equity Investment
  7. Arranger & Underwriter Service
  8. Credit Enhancement
  9. Standby Financing
  10. Fund Management


In this commercial financing facility, PT SMI also provides 2 (two) financing schemes that complement the commercial financing products above, namely:


Sustainable Financing

In supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Indonesia and the implementation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), PT SMI also has a sustainable financing scheme which focuses on projects aimed at anticipating climate change, dealing with environmental problems, improving environmental quality and reduce the threat of global warming and support low-carbon development. In its implementation, PT SMI collaborates with various international institutions in channeling sustainable development funds through the SDG Indonesia One platform and becomes the Country Platform Manager for the Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM) in Indonesia.


Sharia Financing

The sharia financing scheme was developed to respond the broad needs and opportunities of sharia-based development funds. This scheme is provided to private parties and state-owned companies for development projects and expanding operations in accordance with sharia principles and the prevailing laws and regulations.

In this sharia financing scheme, PT SMI provides several product options that debtors can choose according to their needs, including:

Sharia Financing Based on Lease Principle
  1. Ijarah Muntahiyah Bit Tamlik (IMBT) Financing
  2. Ijarah al Maushufah fi al-Zimmah (IMFZ) Financing
Sharia Financing Based on Sale and Purchase Principle
  1. Murabaha Financing
  2. Istishna’ Financing
Sharia Financing Based on Profit Sharing Principle
  1. Musyarakah Financing
  2. Musyarakah Mutanaqisah (MMQ) Financing
  3. Mudharabah Financing
Sharia Financing Based on Lending and Borrowing Principles/Bridging Loan
  1. Qardh Financing
Non-Cash Sharia Financing
  1. Wakalah bi Al-Ujrah Financing
  2. Kafalah bi Al Ujrah Financing