Construction of Bauntung Market
In line with the vision and mission contained in the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of South Halmahera Regency in 2016-2021, the Government of South Halmahera Regency continues to develop infrastructure.
The Regional Government of South Halmahera Regency plans to build several access roads and widen the main road connecting the port and the Tuakona Panambuang Business Zone. The Halsel Regency Government has opened road access which has a positive impact on increasing economic activity in Labuha City. In addition, the Halsel Regency Government has built bridges and roads through the Regional Budget to improve community connectivity. With the continued development of the waterfront area of the city of Labuha, the Halsel Regency Government continues to strive to provide facilities and infrastructure to support community activities.