Events 06 May 2014
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Due Diligence & Public Expose of Obligasi I Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Tahun 2014

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) ("PT SMI") on May 7, 2014 held Due Diligence Meeting and Public Expose of Obligasi I Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Tahun 2014 worth as much as IDR1. (one trillion rupiah). PT SMI held the first bond issuance in order to promote PT SMI’s business development in carrying out its role as a catalyst in the acceleration of Indonesia’s infrastructure development. The proceeds from bond issuance will entirely be used for financing infrastructure projects in Indonesia. Joint lead underwriters are PT CIMB Securities Indonesia, PT Danareksa Sekuritas, PT Indo Premier Securities and PT Mandiri Sekuritas.
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