The signing of a Municipal Financing Agreement between PT SMI and the Ogan Komering Ulu Regency Government (OKU) amounting to Rp58.7 billion for the development of RSUD Dr. Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja located on Dr. M Hatta street, East Baturaja District, OKU Regency, South Sumatera Province is located in the center of the city and very strategic because it is close to community activities.
RSUD Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja is one of the oldest health facilities in South Sumatra Province. RSUD was first built in 1936 by the Dutch colonial as a hospital clinic.
Through PT SMI Municipal Financing facility, the development of RSUD can improve its role and function in health service for OKU and surrounding regency community, even to district in Lampung Province.
Several infrastructure projects in the hospital sector through PT SMI Municipal Financing facility, such as: (1) Konawe Regional Hospital in Kab. Konawe, Prov. Southeast Sulawesi, (2) Sanjiwani Hospital in Kab. Gianyar, Prov. Bali, and (3) RSUD Karangasem in Kab. Karangasem, Prov. Bali.
In order to succeed the Municipal Financing facility, PT SMI also closely synergizes with stakeholders such as the Ministry of Finance, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, and the Ministry of Home Affairs.