ESS Cultures 03 March 2022
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Quarterly Monitoring Report of the Environmental and Social Aspects of the 2020 PEN Program

Environmental and social aspects cant be separated from our lives, particularly in the infrastructure development. Therefore, PT SMI pays high attention on environmental and social risk management performance of every activity/project that is financed and/or supported by PT SMI.

One of PT SMI's efforts in ensuring the project's environmental and social risk management performance is: incorporate requirements related to environmental and social aspects into the loan agreement to Local Governments (Pemda) as part of the 2020 PEN Program. Local government who borrow funds from PT SMI must comply the requirements related to environmental and social aspects, including the Quarterly Monitoring Report of Environmental and Social Aspects. Regarding to improve compliance in submitting the report, the Division of Environmental Social and Advisory Evaluation and the Division of Public Financing PT SMI have collaborated to organize outreach activities by inviting 33 local governments to explain the report format and perform a simulation of filling out the report.

After these activities are carried out, the local governments would be able to improve the environmental and social performance of development activities/projects that carried out in each region and report them in a timely manner. Thus, the activities/projects will not only benefit for current generation, but also for future generations.


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