Events 28 April 2020
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Webinar: Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities (GIIO) Vietnam & GIIO Indonesia Update Report Launch

Haloo Sahabat Infra, PT SMI has a commitment to sustainable development that prioritizes social, economic and environmental aspects to maintain a harmonious life. To find out more about PT SMI's work and support for sustainable development, Sahabat Infra can find out more by joining the Webinar: Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities (GIIO) Vietnam & GIIO Indonesia Update Report Launch organized by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI). This webinar presents Mr. Mohammad Ghozie Indra Dalel (Operations and Finance Director of PT SMI) as one of the speakers. To register for this webinar, please click the following link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_24oEf_o0S_C50RVtaSMu9g
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